Friday, 20 October 2006

xiaoYing's Revolution

hi, ian. here is my plan after revolution.hope that u can give me some advice so tat i can get my PEACE as soon as possible.

i use a lot of big windows, but no window is facing another building. it face the trees and the small garden. two classroom share one toilet i think is enought for them.below i got some amendment of my plan bcos i think that i should make the whole building in one, so i choose to make the whole related building bcome one organic form.

this is the draft plan i had made some small you think that this is better? wat else i can do or do i hav to stick to the first plan i made? well, looking forward your crit on it.

1 comment:

ian ng said...

Peace, Child, peace...

Better for cars to enter at the top so you have good long queue lines for cars along the cul de sac and your inner road during sending and picking up of kids.

The Walk Through can be quite nice, but it's better attached to the long side of the MPH so it can also be a spill out space from the Hall.

Why everybody like sharp sharp rooms? Must be Khai Ling's fault. The sweep of classrooms is the most exciting thing about the scheme but unfortunately it's spoilt by those horrible box toilets in the rooms. Why not take the toilets outside. Put one set each at both ends of the row of classrooms but also sharp sharp.

Kitchen and Dining needs to tie in more with the main building. It's too "left alone" and lost. Playstructure does not need to relate to the MPH--more to the dining and messy area.

The landscaped break between the classrooms and ICT block is nice.

You have shown projection lines that show your classrooms radiating out from a point. So this point is very important. Can we see or stand at the point? Is the point something in your roof form that we can appreciate?

Yes, this building is small enough for it to be ONE organic form. One organic form with a focus? Like the chapel in Ronchamp I showed you. But you need to break it here and there so it doesn't look so big and frightening.
