Friday 13 October 2006


1 comment:

ian ng said...

Khai Keng. The simplified roof is much better now. I can understand the large folded plates that form your roof in the main, but am not quite sure what the smaller bits are---the ribbon-like bit you’ve stuck to the east side, and a bit to the 3 sides of the MPH, as well as the bigger bits covering the classroom terraces. It is better to have the same folded plate construction cover the terraces and not worry about natural lighting from the top. You get plenty of natural light in open sided terraces. Roof eaves can go out to a 3m setback. Would be nice for the Messy Area for example to open out to the east garden and therefore you need more roof eaves cover here.

I’m still not too comfortable with the wedged shaped light well/courtyard. Better to make the spine block longer (and therefore more emphatic) and have some sort of skylight to replace the wedged courtyard. The wedge is not big enough to be a court yard.

The roof doesn’t need a different expression at the break between the 2 sets of classrooms. Better to continue with the main folded plate construction. And think of what construction you will be using for the roof.

The plan can be further improved. The upper 3 classrooms sharing a common terrace is nice, and it’s about the right size. The terraces of the lower 3 classrooms do not need steps to the garden, just like you don’t have steps from the terraces of the upper 3 classrooms to the garden. Work on a stepped ramp---from terrace to terrace, and maybe parallel to the boundary.

You need to clear a bigger space at the main lobby at the bottom of your main internal ramp for better circulation. Don’t cut the corner of the MPH as it doesn’t relate to the roof. Don’t need steps from main ramp to play structure platform. Should keep the line of the spine clean. Have a tunnel under spine to connect play platform to the southern garden.

Because your scheme is very sculptural and complex it is better to make a rough study model (any scale will do, even your quick polystyrene one is fine) so that we can fully understand the total design before you launch into your final drawings and model. We should freeze the scheme by Mon.