Saturday 17 February 2007

Ian's Top Ten (Updated 17191h 070221)

Excuse me, but I'm going to take some space here to build up my top ten over the next two weeks. I'll keep adding to this post by editing as the buildings come up from my old, old memory. Not in order of importance: (Details as I go along)
Willis Faber Dumas Office, Ipswich, UK, 1971-1975, Foster Associates,
House for Third Millenium, 1994, Ushida Finlay Partnership

Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart, Germany, ? James Stirling
Semua Sidewalk Canopy 1, Kuala Lumpur, 2007, Arkitek Inasreka
Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain, ? Antoni Gaudi
Kandalama Hotel, Dambullah, Sri Lanka, ?, Geoffrey Bawa
Rooftop Office Extension, Falkestrasse, Vienna, 83-88, Coophimmelblau
Tensegrity Needle tower 1968, Hirshhorn Museum, Washington DC

Ian's Childhood House, Bentong, 195? British Government Engineer

Ian's ancestral house, Fujian, 17??, Ng Something

Strange, now that I force myself to think, there really aren't that many memorable ones. None from the US, Australia, New Zealand--all countries of the Developed World--none from the past......very, very strange.
Oh, yes! Got it! No. 10 must be My Ancestral Home, Fujian, China, 17?? Ng Something....this one makes me cry each time I look at it. Tell you about it one day.

Looks like it didn't take that long after all for 10 to float up from my memory. For the time being, that is. It can always change next year.

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