Wednesday 21 March 2007

Final Case Study

Im here to post the final case study pic

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1 comment:

ian ng said...

This is a vast improvement! And should be the MINIMUM standard of presentation from now on. The content is comprehensive and perceptive (with only a missed opportunity here and there). The section, Ways of Improvement is extremely effective and graphically the most impressive. And I like the way the names of the producers are smartly but discretely inserted as an underpinning to the presentation. Overall much, much better than before.

HOWEVER it still needs one critical improvement before it can be awarded full marks. And I think you owe it to yourselves to tweak that last bit before you print on A1 and proudly pin it up on Monday as a permanent display for the rest of the semester. The level of ENGLISH does not come up to the high standard of the graphics. Here and there there are glaring grammatical mistakes, let alone being less than idiomatic and polished.

To stop beating around the bush, I want those few of you who got 4 stars for your article (and I know who you are) to give the text a once-over---edit and polish it up. And let's see your final work on the board on Monday.