Saturday 7 March 2009

hey i do have a few more questions

leme just recap on the scenario

the proposal by the client is to build on a plot of land 1200sqm is size and its a total of 15 3 storey units with a small swimming pool each.

is one set of drawings enough? since it is a mass produced scheme where all 15 units are the same. of course we will need masterplans of the whole project. but for the individual units, is one set sufficient?

when doing costing, do we count the cost to produce one unit and multiply by 15 OR do we calculate as a whole?

if tendering usually takes 3 - 6 months then is it feasible to have completion by 31/1/2010? assuming the we commence architectural work this month (march 2009)

=) thank you.

1 comment:

ian ng said...

Drawings? Whatever's sufficient to make the bidder understand the quantity of work involved should suffice. Dun forget that there'll be tables forming part of the bid documents. They'll be read as a whole.

the counting and multiplying question is WOW me! lol

I think you can read the completion date from your construction program...assuming that you've already done that..