Thursday 3 August 2006

Play Structure - this week's crits

Some common problems, and their possible solutions, did arise from our crits and are worth noting here.
  1. A play structure, not disneyland, right?
  2. 3-6 year olds, not teenagers
  3. A play structure, not a structure that contains playthings, geddit?
  4. Duplicating forms doesn't mean doubling design merit
  5. The abstract is usually less restrictive than the literal, unless you distort it
  6. Better to bend the rules than let the rules bend you
  7. Play means enjoy, are you having fun yet?

Most of you are already into you study models. I'd suggest that you treat that like a Transformer playtool. Photo recording each transformation is a good idea to record the alternatives you have explored.

Those who need to discuss ideas can post here.


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