Saturday 5 August 2006

I've done an example of my model, just the maze tho. You can roughly tell how big it is, in comparison to the blade in the picture.
What do you think?
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Btw, you might wanna let us know, what you want in our presentation boards more specifically. Are we required to include plans of the structure or anyting like that? A montage of where the structure should be placed?

1 comment:

ian ng said...

The route through your "maze" appears linear, though looped. You are really only going in one direction, which seems a little less exciting than a typical maze on the ground in which you explore in 2 dimensions. I thought you were looking at mazes that went in 3 dimensions, no?

I think you know how you ended up with this configuration. Remember our discussion on the difference between the one tree and the 6 trees.

It doesn't mean you have to throw this away and start from square One. It probably means you have to "grow" your maze--the way branches sprout from a tree. And also think about the need for that doughnut hole.