Wednesday 5 August 2009

Deg Studio 3 Course Outline

(Hi Veron! Hope you're fine. We're all ok at the studio...Got off to a roaring start and we've odi selected our bld and landscapes for precedent study..hehe)

Dear Students, as BB7 is still not up yet your course outline and brief for Project 1 is posted here.

Centre for Modern Architecture Studies in Southeast Asia
ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN STUDIO 3 [ARC 2116] Prerequisite: Architectural Design Studio


In the subject, students are introduced, firstly, to spatial typologies in architecture; and secondly, the importance of site context and the meaning of place in design. In their preliminary design work, students engage with studies and design of different spatial typologies (i.e. linear, spiral, spine, centric, etc) for a simple dwelling space which explores the idea of architectural tectonics and experiences. Subsequently, the major project involves the design of a small scale community building (e.g. gallery, small library) which engages with the spirit of place inherent within the site, the site topography, history and socio-cultural events. The design work explores the plan-section integration to achieve architectural form that is tectonically expressive, functional and responsive to its site.


To develop awareness of a wider place, a genius loci (town, countryside, coast), and the design response towards the place.
To emphasise the importance of site and program in architectural design.
To introduce different spatial typologies in architectural design (spatial organisation and relationships).
To emphasise the importance of section in the design of architectural space.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the subject, students will be able to:
1. Identify and explain different spatial types in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience
2. Identify and analyze functional and poetic needs through case studies to inform the design project
3. Create tectonic expressions of different spatial typologies which impact on the uses and experiential conditions of space
4. Generate design through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materiality and textures
5. Produce site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the physical conditions of the site and ‘genius loci’ of place
6. Formulate simple programmatic requirements based on the given design brief
7. Design a small scale community building which response to the site (site topography, history and socio-cultural events), functional program and users’ experiences
8. Produce drawings (both 2D and 3D), modelling and verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas.
Mode of Delivery
This is a 6 credit hour subject held over 14 weeks. The mode of delivery will be in the form of Studio and Self-Study. The breakdown of the hours is as follows:

Studio: 12 hours/week

Lecturers: Dr. Veronica Ng (VN), Ar. Ian Ng (IA) (PT), Anand Krishnan (AK)

Contact details are as follows:

1. Dr. Veronica Ng email

2. Ar. Ian Ng blog

3. Anand Krishnan email

Student-Centered Learning Approach

A student-centered approach will be employed in the delivery of this unit. The Studio sessions will be conducted to facilitate students in the design and design process.
· The Studio is significant for the development of design works. The Studio will engage in different forms of teaching & learning methods which includes Exercises for your design projects, Peer Critiques and Review of Projects.
· As each studio session is set to achieve different milestones, attendance to all sessions is compulsory.
· Students should be self-directed in their design process, and work vigorously on their design projects within studio hours. The design tutor will facilitate your learning process.
· Students are required participate in interim reviews and pin-ups. This is compulsory and leads to the final assessment of each project.

BB7 will be used as a communication tool and information portal for students to access course materials, project briefs, assignments and announcements.


1. Antoniades, A. 1992. Poetics of Architecture. Van Nostrand Reinhold.
2. D.K. Ching, F. 1993. Architecture: Form Space and Order (2nd ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold.
3. Gregory, Rob. 2008. Key Contemporary Buildings. Laurence King Publishing Ltd, London.
4. Franck, Karen A. 2007. Architecture from the Inside Out: From the Body, the Senses, the Site and the Community. Wiley & Sons
5. Holl, Steven. Questions of Perception: Phenomenology of Architecture, eds Steven Holl, Juhani Pallasmaa, Alberto Perez-Gomez, A+U
6. Norberg-Schulz, Christian. 1980. Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture. Rizzoli, London.
7. Purves, A. 1982. The Persistence of Formal Patterns, in Perspecta, Vol. 19, pp. 138-163.


This course will be graded in the form of coursework. It will consist of 2 projects and a portfolio submission.

The design work in Architectural Design Studio 3 is developed from a competition brief for the Eight International Student Design Competition 2010 with the theme ‘A memorial to a Memorable Event: Making Manifest the Memory’ organised by The Commonwealth Associations of Architects (CAA). At the end of this semester, student works will be shortlisted for submission to this competition in January 2010. Information on the competition is available at the following web address:

Project 1 PRECEDENT STUDIES: Analysing spatial poetics, spatial typologies and programming in architecture (Group)
The main aim of Project 1 is to introduce different spatial typologies in architecture, and how they inform spatial use and experience through precedent studies. Working in groups, you are to analyse and compare 2 selected architectural precedents. You are to select (1) an architecture that emphasise on commemoration of memories in relation to architecture & landscape; and (2) an architecture that emphasises on commemoration of memories through built forms and spaces. The analysis and comparison of the design approaches for the open landscape and the built spaces will inform the preceding design projects for the remaining semester.

Project 2 ‘A memorial to a Memorable Event: Making Manifest the Memory’
Subsequently, Project 2 consists of 3 assignments:

Assignment 2a (Group)
The main aim of Project 2a is to identify and analyse suitable site context for design exploration. In groups, investigate potential past event in Malaysia for design exploration. Carry out a thorough research and site analysis for the selected event.

Assignment 2b (Individual)
The main aim of Assignment 2b is to introduce simple site context (open landscape) as a significant aspect which shape architectural design. Individually, design memorial spaces within the open landscape to commemorate a significant past event selected in Assignment 2a. This design project should apply knowledge gained from precedent studies in Project 1. It emphasises on the relationship between architecture and landscape in architectural design to engage with the use and the user experience/senses.

Assignment 2c (Individual)
Assignment 2c explores architectural response to the selected event within the context of the site and programmatic requirements of a visitor interpretive centre. The purpose of the visitor centre is to showcase interpretive material related to the event and commemorate a selected event within the given locale. The project should apply the knowledge gained from Project 1, particularly organising and articulating spaces and the sensuality and poetics of space to inform user’s experiences within the architecture. Emphasis is given to design resolution integrating site, program and spatial poetics.

Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) Portfolio

The portfolio is an edited document that is to include all the work produced in this unit. It should demonstrate the student’s learning process and outcomes.
Type of assessment and feedback
Each student will be graded in the form of formative and summative assessments. Formative assessments will provide information to guide the student in the design process. This form of assessment will be conducted through Interim Critique/Review sessions. Summative assessment will inform the student about the level of understanding and performance capabilities achieved at the end of each design project.

Attendance and Participation

Your attendance is compulsory. You are expected to attend and participate actively in class. The lectures and tutorials will assist you in expanding your ideas and your project progression.

Your work will be graded based on your performance throughout the semester. Your class participation is as important as the end product.

You are required to do your work in the studio, which is the most productive design environment.

Please adhere to the studio critic hours and submission requirements during classes.

Each of your presentation in the studio critic hours will be graded and calculated as part of your final grade.

Rules and Regulations

The School imposes a late submission penalty for work submitted late without a valid reason, which must be supported by relevant documentations, e.g. a valid medical certificate. A student MUST notify the Programme Director within 48 hours to ensure that the Board of Examiners is notified of the evidence. The evidence will assist the Board to reach a fair consensus and action.

Any work submitted after the designated dateline shall have the percentage grade assigned to the work on face value reduced by 10% for the first day and 5% for each subsequent day late. A weekend (Saturday and Sunday) counts as 1 day.

However, the lecturer(s) reserves the right to NOT accept work submitted more than 1 week late.

Class will officially begin as in the schedule. Any student who arrives late after the first half-hour of class will be considered as absent. Any medical certificate must be forwarded to the lecturer in case of any sickness, which prohibited you from attending the class.

Plagiarism will be taken as a serious case and will result in failure of the course.

This course outline is subjected to changes at short notice.

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