I'm here posting on behalf of Ian and miss V.
He needs copies of what we did for the visitor centre this semester.
Among the things needed are:
1. JPEG of our presentation board
2. JPEG(s) of our plans
3. JPEG(s) of interesting and nice shots of our design
4. JPEG(s) of our model
all JPEGs have to be a quality of at least 2MB per jpeg aka higher resolution if not, your photos will be blur and it doesn't help in showing off your nice designs.
choose the best shots of your design and email it to ian pls.. he needs them for his lectures..
and another copy of whatever sent to ian should be burnt into a CD and submitted to miss V when the new semester starts. that's for taylor's archives and STEPS.. try to have as many people's work in a nicely labelled CD as possible to reduce the wastage of plastic and help reduce global warming =)

you know like what the famous architects have, their signature portrait photograph like Zaha Hadid etc.
seriously, ian wants that portrait of ourselves. not joking.
so kindly email them to ian.
thank you.
meh?! self portrait!? =.=;;
benson/lester: mari mari use ur chun camera help each of us take nice portraits!
ok la.. one day we meet at college the lip fountain there.. we have our signature "pose" photo shoot..
can can when?? :D
li yin.. u dun need lah !! u already have tonnes of poser pics !! hahahahaha
OMG...u gotta be kiddin me
can use photoshop?
and must it be in JPEG coz i sorta PDF-ed everything (strybrd i mean)
other pictures are JPEG-ed
liyin's definitely gonna pose like Gisele like she posed for her own shoes line...
hmmm.....oooooooook guyssss.... this comment column sounds like one found in a modeling school not architecture...lol....but we archis are multi professional arent we...hahaha....ian u want poser pics...ul have poser pics...major lol....hehe..
it's alll part of developing ur architectural eye, managing self-consciousness and acquiring promotional skills. no different from optimising ur portfolio. have fun! believe me--u WILL need marketing skills in private practice. the secret is to steer away from the extremes of crude oversell and lame non-prescence.
this is wat i call BRANDing... muahahahahahha
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